2023 LSIC Membership Invoice (PDF)
The Lake Shirley Improvement Corporation is a 501 (c) (3) public charity dedicated to enhancing, preserving and protecting the quality of the lake and its watershed through the promotion of responsible, effective environmental & educational policies. We shall strive to strengthen and unite the community through recreational, social and civic activities. Our mission is to preserve this regionally unique resource as a pristine legacy for future generations.
Because of the organization's "public charity" designation by the IRS, the association's meetings and membership is open to the general public. Likewise, all the elected LSIC positions are also open to the public as governed by the association's bylaws.
Memberships to the LSIC run from January 1st through December 31st of each year.
The cost of membership is:
- $300.00 per household
- $450.00 per multi homes
- $600.00 per business
There are several ways to join the LSIC, which include the following:
1. Attend a monthly meeting, held on the second Wednesday of each month.
2. Download a Membership Application and mail it with the fee to:
PO BOX 567
3. A more convenient way would be to join online by clicking the Pay Pal link below.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions about the benefits of membership to the Lake Shirley Improvement Corporation.
Click the link below to pay for your membership. You will be taken to the LSIC Pay Pal website.
Thank you for your support of our efforts!
Thank you for your continued support. Because of your donations, the LSIC is able to provide and completed the Lake Management and Monitoring Programs.
- Apollonio, Ben and Sara
- Arpano, Theresa
- Baker, Paul and Janet
- Balducci, Susan and Peter
- Bean, Steve
- Bell, Nanci and Wendi
- Bernard, Candice
- Bilotta, Jane
- Bilotta, Simeone
- Brisson, Brian and Liz
- Caswell, Timothy
- Champagne, Daniel and Joanne
- Chandler, Smith
- Chenis, Kenneth
- Cila, Cheryl
- Clouthier, Gloria
- Cole, Braun
- Collins, Brian and Victoria
- Plankey, Coolen
- Couture, George and Linda
- Coyle, Godfrey
- Crocker, Thomas
- Dailey, Ralph and Matthew
- Dalmaso, Brian
- DeGeorge, Chris and Suzann
- DeLaite, Deborah
- Dernier, Carl and Joy
- Dorsey, Jim and Susan
- Dumbleton, Draleu
- Ellowitz, Jay and Jill
- Evans, R and J
- Farley, Monica and Adam
- Farrow, Shawn and Danielle
- Fassbender, Thomas and Cece
- Fortin, Anne Marie
- Fortin, Delollis
- Fournier, J and F
- Gallagher, John and Annette
- Gee, Cindylee and Mike
- Gerante, Cindy
- Goguen, Paul
- Goodall, Darrell and Karen
- Griffin, Shannon and Jamie
- Griffis, Caroline
- Hale, Tim and Tammy
- Hantschar, Anna
- James Adam, Harbor Classics
- Harrison, John
- Hart, Maureen and David
- Helstowski, Constance
- Hitzenbuhler, Sean
- Holman, Irene
- Howard, John
- Huse, Storm
- Iadeluca, Matthew and Justine
- Jacoby, Douglas
- Jalbert, John
- Jewell, Perry and Sue
- Johns, Debbie
- Jordon, James and Susan
- Katisch, Nathan and Caitlin
- P. J., Keating
- Kidder, Kevin
- Kincaid, Patrick
- King, Linda and David
- Kodzis, Raymond and Sally
- Kohlstrom, Cassavechi
- Koronis, Peter and Lillian
- Kroll, Gary and Tina
- Kuehl, Troy
- Kullberg, Alan and Christine
- LaBranche, Dennis and Carol
- Lastella, Cote
- Leger, Roland
- LeVeille, Dan and Julie
- Lovewell, Tammy and Mike
- Marchetti, Robert
- Mayotte, Michael and Kelly
- McAllister, Robert and Diane
- McCaffrey, Kelly
- McCarthy, Melissa
- McGurn, Hamberg
- McNiff, Virginia
- Melanson, Kim and Gerry
- Merkel, Peter
- Morgan, Justin and Butch
- Mount, Jeff and Julie
- Naparstek, Walter
- Nazarenko, Matthew and Tara
- Noke, Rebecca and Bill
- Normandin, Elaine
- Nuthman, Conrad
- Osoff, David
- Patry, Kathy and Richie
- Patterson, Scott
- Payne, Tom and Melanie
- Pearson, Richard
- Pelletier, Dave and Andrea
- Perkins, Mary
- Perko, Sandra
- Pirro, Nicholas
- Planitzer, Kerry and Sheila
- Polcari, Anthony and Janice
- Rahaim, Nancy
- Ramondelli, Jackie
- Reilly, Jason and Kathleen
- Reinhart, Scott
- Reinhart, Kathleen and Glen
- Reyno, Donna
- Ritchie, Brian and Cynthia
- Rivard, Steven and Debbie
- Rossley, Scott
- Roux, Jason
- Ryder, Brian and Kelly
- Serra, Fernando
- Spindt, Gary and Maureen
- Sprague, Marc and Christine
- Stone, Larry
- Sullivan, Brenda and Paul
- Swenson, Jessica and Joel
- Tata, Louise and John
- Tessier, Comsana
- Tocci, George
- Tousignant, Justin
- Tower, Brian and Karen
- Tremblay, Teresa and Richard
- Tucker, John
- Tufts, Michael and Denise
- Vaillette, Lawrence
- Valente, Paula
- Vitone, Thomas and Joan
- Viviano, Robert and Judith
- Watt, David and Ludmilla
- White, Steve
- Whitten, Mark
- Widdowson, Janice and Martin
- Wilson, Ron and Robin
- Wu, Thomas and Alice
- Wysk, Joe and Diane
- Yapp, Wilcox
- Yawor, Alex and Deb